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What we have here is a failure to properly evaluate the overall library quality. How did Rare perform on all four respective platforms. Are you judgments based upon quantifiable data or are you letting your perceptions be tinged by nostalgia. Like the man said leave your emotions at the door.

I used IGN for my impartial comparison. The sight is merely more user friendly, and is considered by most be respectable. What follow are the average scores for Rare by platform. You can use the following link to run the numbers for yourself.

GameCube 1 game total average of 9.0
Nintendo 64 11 games total average 8.7
Xbox 2 games total average 7.5
Xbox 360 3 games total average 8.4

The data tells the true story. The difference between the 360 and the 64 is one of consistency. Rare has been more consistent on the 360 then it was on the 64. While Rare did bring a fair share of incredible titles to the 64 they also had a few abysmal disappointments. With titles such as Killer Instinct Gold, Mickey's Speedway USA, and even Jet Force Gemini.

Further more if you delve into the realm of flop percentages you will see that across the Xbox family and the Nintendo family the rate is almost identical. Nintendo saw a 17% flop rate while Microsoft has seen a 20% flop rate. So the developer still has the same effective batting average.

The difference between the platforms is minimal being a mere less then half a points difference. That difference isn't even significant enough to not be reversed by a single game being delivered this year. Were BK3 to have a rating of 9.5 or greater. Rare on the 360 could match or outperform Rare on the 64. Which is not inconceivable considering that on the 64 the series averaged a score of 9.5 across two titles.

Too many people answered a question in this thread which was never asked. The question wasn't quality which as I just illustrated was not in the least relevant or informed. Rare never became a shitty developer which is basically the insinuation. They merely became more consistent with their offerings. Even their worst outing on the Microsoft family never matched the utter mediocrity of a couple titles on the Nintendo family of consoles.

This is the question, and it is a terribly simple game. Do you think Rare can get back to delivering more then one game a year to the console market? That is the question being asked can they make as many games for the 360 as they were making for the 64?