I don't care about resolution.. i care about parity..
If they don't push up the resolution.. i demand that everything else in the game are pushed to the limits on the platforms.
If they don't push up the resolution, Give us more foliage, shaders, dynamics.. or a better OVERALL performance.
It's ludacris to gimp the Ps4 version, when it never happened to the 360..
The 360 had more foliage in gameplay then most Ps3 games..
Give us more foliage, Animation etc etc..
Ubisoft are definetly doing the patrioatic BS with their Parity.. they are biased..
The Resolution is just an bonus... Why should the Ps4 be on the same level as the XB1?
Resolution doesn't matter, but still.. the Ps4 can handle more, and it should handle more..
All this crap that we only buys the Ps4 for the Resolution is nothing but false claims, or misunderstood.
We bought the Ps4 because we know it can handle more, and we want more.
The only reason why we pick the: We got higher resolution is because most people are delusional over the damn XB1 Sharpness+Soft filter which
alters the display settings.. which we can do on our tv.. Ps4 is 70% more powerful with the CPGPY unification. there is more to be optimized with the game then just Resolution.
if people care about gameplay? the strongest console can still offer more gameplay..
the gameplay is still processed by the GPU and the CPU.. cut all the Ps4 games down to 720p and trade it in for bigger maps, bigger gameplay..
I know that would never happen.. stop damage control this shit.. UBISOFT..
Everyone are gimping their own experience just so they can stay Corp-loyal.
People believes that Power= Resolution..
Well... Power= Graphics, performance, Gameplay etc etc..
if power was only resolution.. there would be no games at all.. just a picture.
PSN: Opticstrike90
Steam: opticstrike90