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Pavolink said:
DanneSandin said:

Yeah, I wish they'd release a VC version for the 3DS! Wouldn't that make sense? Having ALBW and ALTTP on the same console? I'll get it when I get a Wii U though, for sure. By all accounts, one of the best games ever.

Wait, is it only on Wii U? Nooooo! I was planning to download in my 3DZelda machine

Yup, it sucks, doesn't it? I would really love to have both games on my ALBW 3DS... would be so sweet. I guess you and me both need to get us a Wii U pronto. I actually wanna play through WW as well

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.