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sundin13 said:
enditall727 said:

I was talking about TLOU having missable things in it. Like something important can happen but you have to be paying attention to see what happens. Like that part in the beginning where Joel's daughter walks into the room and that thing happens. I was using your example you presented in that video


In P.T, it was just the fact that he just kept looking away. I didn't say anything about the game because i wanted to see if he would get scared. Like the part where you have to zoom in on the door handle and the girl pops her head out and closes the door. This motherfucker BEAUTIFULLY looked away withe perfect timing when that part happened. If it was a cutscene, he would've payed more attention because you usually dont want to miss a cutscene. I guess he didn't understand that shit actually happens while you're playing. It was just an example of it being rewarding to those who pay attention


They sent out 1 type of enemy because IT WAS A DEMO. Humans would be the only individusl you fought at the time. Like in Uncharted 2 when you infiltrate that place early in the game and have to sneak past the guards, you ONLY FACE 1 TYPE OF ENEMY in that part. Or in Gears 2 when you reach that town early in the game and the ticjers comr out, YOU ONLY FACE 1 TYPE OF ENEMY AT THAT PART. So i dont see why a more realistic game like The Order would need to have hundreds of different types of enemies thrown at you in this demo. How about we just wait for the full game to experience the different enemies instead of hoping for all of them to be in the demo?


About the werewolf part, how do you know that every single encounter with the wolfs will be this way? This was only 1 specific part they showed IN A DEMO. In The Last Of Us, there was a part *SLIGHT SPOILER* where you have to climb up a latter and the guy kicks you down into the water initiating a interactive cutscene. Then he tries to drown you and you have to try to grab the gun under while underwater. I'm pretty sure that every encounter with humans DIDN'T all happen like that in The Last Of Us. In another video of The Order, there was a part where you were fighting a rebel and it was an interactive cutscene where the guy was winning and galahad had to grab a knife or something like that. I'm pretty sure that every encounter with the rebels in this game wont play out like that as we can see in the video that you were actually having a shootout with rebels in the OP. So why are we trying to act like that specific werewolf segment represents every werewolf encounter in the game?


You can't know what The Order missed out on because you haven't played the full game. Again, A demo is NOT the full game.. It's a demo. 


You can have high expectations if you want but you have to be reasonable. You, for example, were being unreasonable by trying to act like thet werewolf segment represented every werewolf encounter in the game or someshit. You were also trying act like that interactive cutscene was a representation of all of the games gameplay that forcefully gets interupted by cutscenes when it was just a simple interactive cutscene to begin with

" So i dont see why a more realistic game like The Order would need to have hundreds of different types of enemies thrown at you in this demo. ":

The problem isn't that there is one enemy type, it is that this one enemy is boring to fight. A well designed enemy can be interesting, but this is reminiscent of the loot cave in Destiny. Just sitting there, blindly killing things isn't fun. Put the player in a more vulnerable situation and make the enemies smarter (use flanking tactics and attack from multiple distances etc.). As is, the demo section that R@D thought was brilliant enough to repeatedly use as marketing material is just a badly designed, generic shooting gallery, spruced up with pretty cutscenes.

"how do you know that every single encounter with the wolfs will be this way? ":

I of course don't, but first of all, this seems to be the first encounter by the way he acts (he is stunned when he first sees it and doesn't know how to react. If this isn't the first encounter then narrative questions are raised (why did he act that way if he knew what to expect?)). No encounter after this one will hold the same amount of tension or mystery. You will already understand how the werewolves act and behave already and the "right" decision has already been told to you by the game. This section is just a mass of wasted potential and its disappointing to see. This section could be really damn powerful being forced to make the decision of how to react to the unknown, but instead the game just guides you through the entire encounter.

"A demo is NOT the full game.. It's a demo.":

I can only judge what I have been shown. (I think I said this before but) before Destiny's release, I made a bunch of complaints about the beta and I was met with a unanimous "it was just a demo" response from pretty much everyone. When the full game got around to releasing, I kept my money in my pocket while a bunch of others spent their money in the hope that the final product was different. If these cutscene heavy sections are a minority, then I my criticisms will stop at "R@D did a terrible job at illustrating what the game was", but until R@D proves me wrong, I think my negative opinion is just as valid as anyone else's positive opinion ("oh, you like what you see? Well its just a demo. You shouldn't get excited or anything. Have you played the full game? No? Then you have no right to say anything positive!" -obvious hyperbole)

I personally dont see how its boring to fight unless you're talking about the games gunplay maybe?. It looks like any other 3rd person shooter enemy to me. I dont think you can name any 3rd person shooter that has enemies that dont act the way we've seen in the video. I believe 3rd person shooters are just not for you. I believe the cutscene segment is what they mainly wanted to show off since they presented it at E3.


You like to make a lot of assumptions and what ifs lol. The only thing I would've did was made the wolf more powerful. It had to use both arms to throw galahad through the window. I would've liked for the bitch to be more powerful and had the ability to send your ass flying with 1 swipe if they wanted.


I dont know why people would claim a demo and a beta are the same. A demo is a demo and a beta is a beta. I'm also pretty sure that bungie didn't attempt to show off any kind of cinematic quality in the destiny beta.


Wait until the game releases(hopefully it will be good). If it isn't I'm pretty sure that the game will not have been trashed because of the cutscenes