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Seece said:
Twilord said:
Seece said:
Twilord said:
Seece said:
Twilord said:

I don't see the Xbone beating the Wii U by enough for that to happen, assuming it does beat the Wii-U. - Once you take that into account, and who knows what MS or Nintendo will do the gen after this.

Obviously Microsoft won't over take Nintendo next gen if it winds up as something like "DRM-Box VS Memory-Installation Neural-Interface". Fliipside being if Sony go under or leave the market Microsoft will probably gain and lot more than Nintendo.

Of course it is, why is this still a discussion here?

Maybe a conversation for another thread ...

I said does, not is - neither console has even half of their big sellers out yet. (Which is a bit embarrasing for the Wii-U, but nonetheless true.)

WiiU does?

3D Mario
2D Mario
Mario Kart
Donkey Kong
Wii Fit
Wii Sports

All that is left is Zelda and Smash, yet sales will still be around 10m after 2 years and 3 holidays and all those franchises.

XB1 will get to 10m in half that time with just Titanfall as a big seller so far.

Wii Sports and Wi Fit aren't system sellers - who other than Nintendo themselves really expected them to be? - As for Donkey Kong, its a good game but Metroid Prime 4 would sell more systems (its less open to everyone but its fanbase will be way more passionate).

3D World was (shamefully since its such a great game) dismissed for not being Mario Galaxy by alot of people, I've met alot of people who will buy a Wii-U if Galaxy 3 is announced and I think Nintendo know of that. 


The games I suspect will be the big system sellers are Xenoblade Chronicles X, Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem, Star-Fox, Smash, Zelda U,  Mario Maker, and probably Splatoon OR Devil's Third (I want it to be be Splatoon but I feel like Devil's Third would find it easier to gain traction). That is ofcourse ignoring games we can kind of expect to come out that would sell consoles (Metroid Prime, Galaxy 3, Fatal Frame, F-Zero U).

I'd love to say Yoshi's Woolly World and Kirby's Rainbow Curse would be system sellers, but despite the high caliber we can expect from them I don't expect them to fall in with Donkey Kong as amazing games that get bought alot by system owners but don't especially sell the console.


Can't wait to see how Bayo is doing in the west given that we haven't actually exactly given up on home consoles (unlike in Japan).

I don't even .... Devils Third? Xenoblade? They're as niche as niche gets, they're not going to sell systems. Look at Mario Kart. Sales are up but they're still low, why would you think those games will do anything to push hardware?

Your average multiplat (which will be in abundence throughout 2015) will rise XB1 sales more.

Only ones out of those that will help are Zelda and Smash.

REALLY tempted to troll you and say 'name those multiplats' and then call them niche. - Not going to, just really tempted to troll you because I just saw a new The Young Turks video about it moments ago.


But lets get serious and start by discussing some of the titles you highlighted as niche, Fire-Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei? Independantly perhaps (though Fire-Emblem just had a massive reputation boost) but its a crossover that will likely draw in two extremely passionate fanbases.

Its also important to realize that Xenoblade Chronicles X will be a lot less niche after the original relaunches with The NEW 3DS. For obvious reasons.


Splatoon OR Devil's Third feel like they're likely to sell well because of the people behind them. Nintendo EAD or Tomonobu Itagaki, you just know one of those is gonna practically reinvent the wheel as far as shooters are concerned. My money is on Splatoon but Itagaki is probably more likely to deliver what the industry these days wants, but only one needs to do awesome (despite me wanting both to be from a gaming perspective) for competitive shooting fans to take notice, and given that we already have Smash and a strongly competitive play capable Mario Kart on Wii-U. - Actually given the probablity of the Wii-U effectively building up that scene very effectively I really should have pointed out the neigh inevitable Wii-U release of Pokken. 


As for Zelda being the only one that will sell well, I can't imagine a good Star Fox or Metroid going without love. Fatal Frame also has a Hollywood movie in the works so that is definitely gonna get it an extra bit of interest, not to mention the cumulative effects on its relevance of its western fans probably being desperate to have the series again.



Not saying the WIi-U will outsell the Xbone overall (or even to claim that its the more likely outcome), simply highlighting the fact that the possibility exists and that, at present, trying to jump ahead to the end of this generation (probably about three years from now given recent news that Nintendo are further behind on arranging certain aspects of their next console than was expected). - The Xbone will probably be around after that for atleast another year, but for the sake of this argument this generation ends when the first of them release their next console because the new console launch must be assumed to have wild affects on the overall projections.