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QuintonMcLeod said:
chapset said:
QuintonMcLeod said:
chapset said:

Cod will probably provide a bigger boost than smash lol, ass creed and GTA will also boost a lot the X1, the rest will just keep it selling strong

Does COD push systems?

Also, didn't COD lose half of its projected sales last year due to market saturation? Seems consumers are starting to get bored of COD.

You got the data look it for yourself but i'll give you two hints: first one, yes and second one fifa 15 gave the X1 a 70k boost and 130k boost to the PS4 and cod is still way bigger than fifa sale wise

As for COD, its hard to say since COD always goes on sale during the holidays, and consoles tend to sell more during the holidays regardless. Fifa is big in Europe, so I suppose 70k is good in that part of the world. But a 70k boost isn't anywhere near the additional 100 to 200k boost the Wii U received when getting exclusive titles such as Mario and Zelda. Heck, same with Titanfall and Second Son. Those exclusives seemed to push more systems. Plus, lets add in the fact that you've included 2 very large 3rd party titles. Even those large 3rd party titles pale in comparison to how well exclusive titles can push console sales.

However, I suppose that was never your original point. Your original point was that multiplats can push console sales, regardless of how small those console sales actually are. So, you're correct.

titanfall was 80k

infamous was about 90k

mario kart their biggest franchise was 115k

and zelda lol not much

so 70k for a yearly release like fifa is far from pale and don't forget cod will be more since cod is bigger in the US where the X1 is doing the best also a shooter so you know the first week numbers will be big so will be the sale bump for the X1. this third party games don't sell console myth needs to stop

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.