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Pemalite said:
zarx said:
curl-6 said:

If they had wanted to tile on Wii U, they could have. Clearly doing it in one go was preferable for the game they were making.

Maybe in their case they did have a reason for not using a tiled aproach. But that doesn't mean that it is an inherently better aproach. Both have their specific advantages. Most of the industry seems to have moved to a tiled aproach for a reason.

The industry seems to go back and forth with tiled rendering.

The Dreamcast, Intel Extreme Graphics/Extreme Graphics 2/GMA 900/i740, PowerVR, ST Micro with the Kyro 2 and others all at one time pushed for tiled based rendering at the hardware and/or driver level.

Heh, I remember when the Kyro II came out, I was all like "Damn right, these guys are gonna give nVidia and ATI a run for their money!"

lol nope.