Wii U may not be to much ahead in raw power against the ps3 and 360(must probably is about 2x the power pf the 360), but the new gpu that has been updated the past 8 years or so and the large amount of edram bandwidth can make a difference.
g-buffers for the deffered rendering and the post processing effects may require large bandwidth but seeing how shinen has no problems in wii u with that even using triple buffering(10.8MB of the main 32MB edram) then developers could take adventage of it so that they can save up large amount of Shader power when rendering multiple lights and use that shader power for oher graphical render purposes
fatslob-:O said: You have no idea what triple buffering is supposed to do ... |
not sure, although from what i can understand from what i read from them
@HylianCIA We have a couple of failbacks to keep it stable. Triple Buffering also helps to get rid of peaks before anyone can notice.
must likely they are refering to the fast chnages that heappen when you are racing and so they put three buffers so that even with the fast changes while you are running the car and taking detours and such you will still not notice issues like that the position of the lights or the new lights were not present inmediatley when they were supposed to