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ktay95 said:

So last time I was asking New 3DS vs Xbox One and the result was a resounding neither.
Well the Sunset Overdrive White Xbox One bundle just got a whole lot sweeter here in Australia. Still priced at $499, the standard price for a kinectless Xbox One it comes with a digital copy of Sunset Overdrive obviously tucked in their for free. Now EB Games are also offering a free copy of Forza Horizon 2 in the bundle too, same $499 price as before.

Last time I was asking I said I would only be using my XBO for what few exclusives I liked from MS, however thinking about it I could get so much more out of it for free. My brother owns an XBO already and will let me borrow any games he isnt playing. So any games I look at and think I will buy it at half price I could probably play for free. Still not sure I would be wiling to pay for Gold but maybe that will change when I have a full time job.

So do you think its worth the purchase?? Those 2 games should get me through the holidays and then I can borrow games from my bro like Dead Rising, The Evil Within, Mordor etc.

No, since it looks like majority games you will end up playing will be multiplatform.  Might as well buy the platform with the best versions of them.  Tell your bro to buy a PS4, its best for you both.