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RacerXGT said:
JayWood2010 said:
RacerXGT said:


FMS is a sim.  FH is an arcade racer.  That is like saying Mario kart and Driveclub are one of the same.  Or that Mario bros and Mario 3D is the same.  Or Need for Speed and Gran Turismo. theyre not.    

Yes, DC sold 30k more copies in the opening week.  I didnt say anything about that. DC also reviewed badly and has server issues.  IM not convinced that it will have legs yet, but it could., idk.  Forza on the other hand has always had good legs so i could see it do well overtime.  But you should do your research is all, which you dont appear to have done.  I wouldnt talk so big when it could drop off incredibly fast and you really dont know what is going to happen.  There is nothing to go by with DC.  It could do well or it could drop hard, we dont know

And FM4 - 5 drops are from 80m install base to launch game btw(Unless youre expecting 70% attach ratio, those numbers arent possible).

Talk about reserch, you could do well to take your own advice.  F Horizon is the same game engine as regular Froza, same game mechanics same tuning options and effect of said tuning.  There is nothing arcade about it.  Its a open world simulation based racer.  Fh is nothing like need for speed, a true arcade racer right there.  Forza had good legs when it took 2 years between a new Forza entering the market.  Forza and FHorizen will cannabilize each other sales, that is inevitable.

Over all the racer market will be quite saturated on xbox, with its small user base it speaks nothing good about big sales.  I especially see nothing good for Horizon2 sales after Forza6 debuts and its hype starts ramping up.  It will get easily over shadowed by its big brother.

They're very different games. They'll have some overlap from the same Forza fans, but also have their unique fans that don't like dry sims or driving through fields. 2 yearly schedule does bite a bit into Forza's sales,  just as GT6 sold a lot less than GT5.

I'm more inclined to buy FH every 2 years as it will feature a whole new map. With Forza I'm happy to wait until Forza 6 as most tracks will be recycled anyway, then probably skip Forza 7. I also expect FH2 to be bundled, which is what I'm waiting for before getting an XB1.