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SvennoJ said:
I'm glad there are still plenty people that enjoy a good track racer. I was worried for a moment that we would lose a genre after the 'not open world is behind the times' complaints in reviews.

Good sales despite average reviews, a completely non functional online mode, and a free version carrot keeping many waiting. The online was finally working better tonight, I managed a string of online races without any disconnects. Kinda sad that's a 'high' point in 2014. Still no (club) challenges.

Maybe they split the user base to ease the server code? I was ranked over 1200 a day ago, was dropping hard during the weekend after getting to 288. I log back in today and I'm rank 220. Can't trust the leader boards I guess.

I saw that complaint about the game not being open world (or rather not being Forza) as a mark against it in a lot of reviews.  I didn't understand that.  It is a track racer.  Using the type of game it is as a reason to bash it was a bit weird to me.   Forza 5 did not recieve that treatment.