I liked The Last Story a little better. I liked the destructible environments, the crossbow targeting, the jumping and sliding over obstacles in the areas, the commands to your team which added strategy to fights, and the story and soundtrack were great! It truly felt like what Final Fantasy would be if it were still the glory days of Squaresoft, but on a micro budget. God I wish we could get a Wii U version to see just what Mistwalker could pull off.
The art direction in Pandora's Tower was great, but every mission started and ended the EXACT same way. Run to kill a monster, rip out its heart, feed it to the girl. It's a great throwback to early 3D Castlevanias and a great game (I would DEFINITELY love a sequel) but I just thought The Last Story was better. If there was a sequel, I would love for it to incorperate going through the entire tower in one go as the game, instead of having to go back to the house every single time you ripped a heart out. They could do it by having the girl come with you. Seemed like a quarter of the game was filler.