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Prediction: If Sony dropped the price of the console by 599 dollars, they would own 99 percent of the console market within 1 year.

More realistically, anyone saying that Sony should drop the price of the Playstation 3 by large amounts simply isn't looking at the big picture. I'm constantly amazed that it's the PS3 fanboys that seem so gung-ho about this proposition, because a price drop stands to cost their favorite company hundreds of millions -- if not billions -- of dollars. It's as if they think that nothing else matters. As long as the PS3 stays on top, the entire rest of the Sony media conglomerate could be thrown to the wind.  

That's not how huge corporations work, and any price drop is not going to be made to "save the PS3" -- it's going to be made because they feel they can make more money in the long run by selling the system at a new, lower price. For example, a 100 dollar price drop has been reported by Sony to cost upwards of one billion dollars; that money would have to be made back via software/peripheral sales, and that's a very tall order. Sounds impossible to me, but if anyone can show me math to suggest otherwise, I'll listen.">">