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Well ign has become your go to destination for clickbait articles alongside n4g. The article titles really overpromises the content inside where it for the majority really only comes down to speculation with nothing to back it up except looking at what has happened before or just listing obvious things. Simple things like making an article like why you should be excited for X product just summarises what has been shown or said before. It is fine to get people up to speed but telling us to be something we arent already requires that you either has something new to tell or that you clarify that the article is for unaware consumers only. Also. It might just be me but i dont think that every time a product gets a release date it validates a 'here is when you will be able to play x game' article. It seems like laziness and a poor attempt to create news when none are there. I think it boils down to that ign is really just a site that takes stuff from other guys and doesnt really get the first publishing on anything except their new 'first' initiative once a month which they so obviously payed for exclusivity publishing rights. I wouldnt be surprised if their editors just sat on n4g and refreshed untill something comes up. Even then they are still excrusiatingly slow to get things pasted. Also what is with them treating some of their employees as celebrities. Every time its greg miller making a surly face because people know he is so edgy and fun fun. Otherwise its naomi kyle reciting whatever happened during the day for the ADD crowd who cant keep attention going for 2 minutes without some blonde eye fucking you.