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d21lewis said:

I'm having a tough time making out what you're saying in that bolded paragraph.  Can you re-word it?

The Suspend/Resume feature that Xbone have today works like a enhancement pause... some key points:

  • You can't turn off the console (you need to stay in standby)
  • You can't play other game (you lost the paused state if you do that)
  • You can't shift accounts/profiles after suspend

So it is easy you pausing a console (in use point) with some advantages like use the StandBy mode to economize energy... this feature exists already in PS4 in a automatic way... when you are playing a game and open the Netflix for example the PS4 put the game in Suspend mode exactly like Xbone and you watch what you want... after that you back to the game and the game resume exactly like Xbone.

The same key issues happens too... you can't turn off the PS4 and you can't play another game... you can open dozen of apps... and the advantage to put the console in StandBy is not there too... so Xbone have this advantage today.

What I expect from a Suspend/Resume feature for PS4 (and Xbone of course):

  • You can play others games between suspend and resume
  • You can turn off the console without lost the suspend mode
  • You can suspens more than one game
  • You can shift accounts/profiles after suspend

That is the key features for a really amazing Suspend/Resume feature.

There are some techinical chanlenges too... today the suspend/resume just freeze the memory RAM state to be used after resume and that is why everything is lost if you need to use this part of the RAM or you stop to matain the RAM alive (shutdown). The challenge is make this Suspend/Resume works copying the data to the HDD, the memory data to the HDD...

Well like the Hibernate feature on Windows.... so you can have the memory Suspend/Resume but you can choose the HDD Suspend/Feature... it will be slow like at least 1+ minute to make the copy to Suspend or to Resume but you will have the hability to travel with your console, change the profile (multi users in the same home), play others games, etc.

That is my view when they announced this feature.