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I don't see a problem with a TLoU GoTY edition for the PS3 especially since this could mean TLoU2 is in development! Also whats up with TLoU having no gameplay; how many of ya'll actually touched the game to make such a claim? The real time crafting, durability of items, scavenging, limited open world, mix of stealth & action was perfect & complimented the pace of the story perfectly IMO. Just cause it looks great when there's dialogue doesn't mean its the representation of the game lol damn. I'll say this about the story though: when I beat the TLoU: Remastered on the PS4 I wasn't as engrossed as I was the first time. Granted it's still a great story but when I replay the game its to beat it on Survival/ Grounded as well as getting all the collectibles & sonning that platinum. Not to mention the limited time I played online, it felt uniquely different!