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Got to level 26, and had absolutely no desire to grind the same daily missions, public events, patrols etc... just for the outside chance of receiving 2-3 light points and inch closer to 27.
Especially since I figured out that to do so, I need to scavenge 73 helium filaments, 86 spirit blooms and an unspecified amount of ascendant materials.

Spend several hours to advance 1% in the game, I did not see any point in wasting my time with so many good games (and better games than Destiny) waiting in line.

Played Peggle 2 for the past week, and had tons more fun than shooting at a Spider Walker for umpillionth time.

Playing Alien Isolation by myself, Evil Within with my wife.... Destiny is a thing of the past, will never return to it, and I definitely will not be buying any expansions...