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The thing is, what do you actually class as "selling well". Whatever it sells over the holiday period and whatever it sells in the first part of next year its more than likely still going to be outsold 2 to 1 by the PS4. So in terms of how its selling against its main competition its doing badly. But purely based on numbers it could end up selling well.

The problem lies in whether the gap from PS4 to Xbox one in terms of ratio increases any more than the 2 to 1 we have now.

The Xbox wont end up on numbers like other console failures, but cant see it getting anywhere near 360 sales this time around. My guess is something like 35-40 million when all is said and done.

PREDICTIONS FOR END OF 2015: (Made Jan 1st 2015)

PS4 - 34M - XB1 - 21m - WII U -12M