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Dgc1808 said:

Science requires that you do not "assume" anything. First and foremost, you look at the evidence. Based on the evidence, you formulate a theory. You do not start with the answer. You build the answer based on what is observed. 



There is a thing called the Holy Spirit. Ask, in humble prayer, for God to give it to you, and you will never doubt again.

But, the thing is, you will realize how AWESOME God really is and how foolish we really are. So it is a big kick in the Ego´s chin...

However, I tell you this: it is sooooooo worth it. It is worth your life man =D

Just close your room door, get on your knees and say: "God, I don´t know who you are. I don´t even know if You exist. But I heard about the Holy Spirit, and, if you exist, I want it. Could you please give me?"

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.