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larrysdirtydrawss said:

where did ign get that the single stand-alone xone version of destiny sold better than the ps4 stand alone? every best seller list ive seen had the ps4 single over the xone at that time in sept...(their source toastyboy?)..maybe they're correct??but the fact that the bundle is left out(as admitted) is beyond silly and cherry picking. if their source is npc than ok,but im doubting thats true

not surprised that sunset overdrive is on a ms system,isnt sony paying them to do another ratchet? (fuse was already on a ms system as multiplat),i didnt think sony was gonna publish every new idea insomniac comes up with,especially with insomniac having a number of games in a row that didnt sell to well for sony. as much as i like them,im surprised sonys doing another ratchet game... by the time fuse was being bounced around,i bet sony didnt sweat much that it was gonna be on another console,and had no problem letting ea publish it instead.. if quantic dreams do a few games that sell mediocre as well,they''ll go multiplat also,it happens.



and those sales for xone are heavily front loaded with their very successful launch compared to the 360... xone wont hold that lead for long over 360

NPD said Destiny sold better on X1 compared to PS4 if you don't include copies sold with the Destiny bundle. 


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