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Decent game.

Lovely world but no diversity in the environments, nice lightning but the backed weather and lighting system makes the world feel less alive and eventually boring to look at.

Gameplay wise, it is really a copy-pase from Assassin's Creed franchise. You mash a button for attacking, other button is to counter enemies attack. The problem for me is that you can counterattack even if you are in the middle of attacking animation yourself. That makes the battle system all about mashing buttons without any consideration for the timing. And also make the battle animations weird and out of place.

While attacking and using abilities could be very satisfying in the beginning, the battle system also end up being repetitive with no depth to explore. Only one weapon to use. The abilities could be cool, but they fail add depth to the system. The developer try to cover the dumbed-down system with using hordes of enemies in each battle. I love using the bow though.

Just like Assassin's Creed, you get abilities like eagle eye, and stealth kill. Also copy-pasted some world elements like climbing towers to reveal everything on the map.

Lovely sounds design. The nemesis system is very good (something new... Finally)

 While the story is nothing special and fails to evoke any kind of emotions or make you care, it could be enjoyable for LoTR fans.

All in all, the game is decent and enjoyable enough to give it a try. But the lack of ambition is obvious. It got good scores merely for the fact that the expectations were too low.