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VXIII said:
MRKs said:
VXIII said:
Lucas-Rio said:.

If the graphics of the games match the one of the trailer, it will be a superb world. But the main questions are: will they make something to explore? If the games is like driving on  straight road like FF13 was walking in a straight corridor it won't do well. Square has showed too little to about the game to judge really.

"Whether it’s driving or combat, you can do what you like in the game. There is that freedom. It’s open world, and it’s possible to go where you want and explore." 

Already confirmed by both directors.

That's a tricky statement, I remember reading that you cannot go everywhere in the game a la Oblivion or Skyrim, but it was more like you could revisit previous stages, places and gaining access to new areas as the story follows. I'm with Lucas here, Square didn't show much gameplay to know how big and how much freedom you can have yet, so it's better to be cautious.

Anyway, regarding the topic I think Square tries too hard to make revolutionary battle systems, and they fail miserably. Also the stories from FF10 onwards were overly dramatic and/or cheesy as hell. Don't get me wrong, I love FF stories but them are plagued by JRPG clichés and teen drama that makes it hard to be considered epic stories.  SE should make a turn based FF with jobs and spent the rest of the money/time in a epic story and world

I think the statement is clear, what he said that the game will be story driven, unlike Skyrim were you could go anywhere to pick main quests. To advance in story you have to go to the marked area. He specifically said it will be like Red Dead: 

"“That’s right. It’s not a game like The Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim,for example,where you could go where you please and pick up quests,” says Tabata. “The destination will always be indicated, and that’s where you’ll head with your allies, and grow together.”

Tabata adds that while the game will allow you to explore, “once you arrive atan area of interest and start advancing through the story, in a sense, it’s closer to Red Dead Redemption.”

"it’s possible to go where you want and explore."

Bur really, what matters that areas will be massive and can be explored, it don't need to be completely open world. 

The statement is a step in the right direction, and I assume they have learned their mistakes and won't do again the three FF13 games who have badly damaged the franchise. But I think that Square hasn't earned yet the right to be trusted just based on what they say in interviews, giving the last 3 FF games they produced.