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LGF said:

If Watch Dogs wasn't ambitious and was only AC plus GTA cars and hacking, it wouldn't have taken the huge team behind it and it would be free from bugs. I'm not saying that an ambitious game cannot be also solid, but it takes more time and resources (look at GTA V). WD didn't play it safe. The proof: the reviews. A new iteration in the AC series (Black Flag) could achieve a much better score.

Yes, in the case of Nintendo, games and hardware are designed by the same person. But that's the kind of power that CoreDesign/Eidos and most teams/publishers didn't have at the time. They had to work with what they were given. But I'm sure Miyamoto wanted the analog stick for more games, besides SM64.

Ok, you can say SA2 had the idea, but Galaxy actually implemented it better. Still, inovation has to do with the idea, not with the execution.

About the name, we're done. :)

Watch Dogs is just Assassin's Creed with carjacking, virtually useless hacking, and a less likeable hero. There was nothing revolutionary about it at all, and the ratings suffered because they promised new and exciting and then gave us more of the same with a less interesting gimmick. Oh shock and awe Ubisoft made an open world sandbox where you can make questionable moral choices, boy that's so original and ambitious. Ambition shouldn't be measured by the time and money thrown at something.

I never said he didn't but the point still stands, Mario 64 was originally planned for the SNES but was pushed back and the 64's controller was designed around Miyamoto's idea for that game and 3D movement in general. A fully analog stick wasn't needed to make 3D possible, just more comfortable, so Playstation games could have done it earlier, they just focused on tank controls because it worked best with their limited knowledge of game design at the time. All I'm saying here is that SM64 did it first and that's the hard part. Everything's easier to do once you know how to do it.

SA2 had an idea that looked similar, not the same. You could pour milk chocolate over a dog turd and make it look like a Snickers, but it's not the same when you bite into it. There's a drastic difference between what SA2 did and what Mario Galaxy did and it's baffling that we're even discussing this when eyeballs alone should suffice.