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ICStats said:

Yep.  The faster CPU clock roughly accounts for the difference shown in CPU performance.

The thing to note though this says for "5ms" of time in other words if you used 5ms of CPU core time you could process that much, but the XB1 & PS4 don't necessarily have the same amount of CPU core time available per frame due to system reservation.  If the XB1 has higher system reservation for Kinect and multiple Operating Systems then it's CPU time available to the game may be lower.

The GPU benchmark is interesting.  There should not be 100% difference in compute power on the GPUs, but perhaps this benchmark is showing the memory difference, or 64bit throughput difference, or perhaps Sony's GPU API & compiler are just better than Microsoft's.

Or 8 ACEs vs 2 ACEs... or 64 compute queues vs 8 compute queues... or 18 CUs vs 12 CUs.