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CDiablo said:
DevilRising said:
Systems having great games that are fun to play and have high replay value, is far more valuable than how powerful a system is.

People really need to quit thinking so much about system specs, and just enjoy games.

My problem with the (in my opinion only of course) weak spec consoles of this gen is that they went cheap on the hardware. Companies arent willing to take losses on the hardware like they did last gen. The hardware will get tapped and become outdated quicker than older consoles. This will lead to new hardware sooner so we are looking at shorter gens. This can be a positive for some but not all.

New consoles every 3-4 years would be fine by me.  ONLY if they made them backwords compatible.  The next gen in 3 years(if it were that fast) would work pretty easily if they used the same kernel for the code and allowed the game to auto scale to the next gen version.

It is near the end of the end....