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To be honest, my problem with the PS360 hardware was never that it lacked power. I never look at a 360 game and say "that looks hideous" the way I would on a PSOne game. And as my favorite console IS the PSOne, go figure on how much I care about graphics.

Really, I don't care for games to ever get prettier than the last wave of games of the last generation. I will never say no to prettier, but my eye can barely tell the difference between a high-end PC game and 360 version of the same thing. Power is no longer worth the time of day. What IS worth the time of day is that games last gen were restricted for the longest time by the memory restriction. Which is now no longer a problem.

So when people talk about how underpowered the Wii U is, I just want to laugh. Unless you have a multiple monitor set-up, the last few notches on PCs are basically about dick-waving. What do you honestly want to do with all that power? Compute pi to 10^65th places in the background?