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Hiku said:

There can be a big difference there as well of course, but I wouldn't say it's as big as going from SD CRT to HD. I remember the shock of seeing the clarity of a DVD movie for the first time. And the first time I saw a PS3/360 game on an HD TV. It was a type of clarity that I had never imagined before. It just took me by surprise. I can imagine more detailed polygons and textures, enhanced lighting effects and such though. And now I can also imagine greater resolutions. But because I had never seen a progressive scan in HD on a screen that supported it before, it felt like completely new technology.

You're confusing display tech upgrade with console upgrades. The first dvd movies were hardly better than Laserdisc, late 70's tech. Switching to LCD and Plasma screens 5 years later brought out the advantage of the digital medium as opposed to the analogue Laserdisc. Games have always been more suited to LCD / Plasma. When I upgraded my 17" CRT to a 19" LCD screen for the PC, the exact same games looked so much clearer, better than a gpu upgrade. (Ofcourse only in native res, upscaling on pc lcd monitors sucks which wasn't a problem with CRT)

I started last gen with a 34" HD ready CRT, difference between XBox and XBox 360 wasn't that impressive. Actually Burnout revenge on 360 was worse, too dark in many areas. Text in Dead rising was outside the text safe area and generally too small to read. With a new LCD tv things started looking a whole lot better.

Same this gen. Play sitting far away, or on a 720p screen, you miss half the upgrade. Switch to a 1080p projector and you'll be blown away. The difference between playing GTA4 on my 1080p projector and Infamous SS is like night and day.