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Sorry for the confusion.  I didn't like those two games that much, but I can see why some people do, and to shrug them off as flukes that are the only reason the 360 is popular seems so ridculous to me.  I think Halo and Halo 2 put Xbox on the map.  I think Halo 3 and Gears turned the Xbox 360 into a force to be reckoned with and a serious contender in the console race.  And in the meantime we got TONS of good games for the 360 that gave even more people a reason to buy it.  Hell, even I couldn't resist buying a 360 after awhile, and I have been a PC gamer almost my whole life.

Also, for the record,  I don't see as many people making these ridiculous claims on this site, which is why I like it so much.