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Are we sure they didn't just get the 360 and PSP figures switched around?

More seriously, the evidence is really starting to pile up that consumers are largely ignoring the HD consoles. Wii and DS rule the hardware charts, and PS2 is still easily outselling both 360 and (especially) PS3. The price cut even has PSP getting in on the action, although still far behind Nintendo's monsters. Buyers are voting with their wallets, and the expensive high-end systems are not selling.

Pretty shocking news for the 360, in all honesty. I mean, we expected another subpar month for the PS3 (I thought it would be closer to 70k personally) but the 360 should be doing better than this. It has a great software library by now, so why isn't it selling? If there's any lesson that we'll take away from this generation, it's that companies ignore price point at their own peril.

That software chart is really interesting too. Counting Diamond/Pearl as one game, we've got Pokemon at #1, a poorly-reviewed Mario Party at #2, an even-more-poorly-reviewed PS2 Spiderman game at #3, the derided Wii Play at #4, and finally Forza 2 makes an appearance at #5. Clearly the so-called "casual" games are outselling the hardcore ones right now... not to the same extent as we see in Japan, but still noteworthy. Some will argue that this is good, others will see it as a disaster, but the industry is going to have to adapt to this new reality. Interesting months ahead, definitely.

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End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)