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kn said:
11ht11 said:
kingofwale said:
kn said:


I wondered how long this was going to take. Sony tried it at launch but didn't have enough time to really flesh it out. Microsoft, on the other hand, has obviously put some effort into it... Wow.

Are you calling this "Wii-like controller"??



Having motion sensor feature doesn't mean it's Wii-like. it just lacks rubmle

but still it used "motion sensing" controls

wiimote=motion sensing

Ok, so, yeah, um... Sony didn't push the motion contol into the controller after they learned about the "revolution". Riiiiight....

Then Nintendo must have copied the stylus on the DS from a palm pilot and motion sensoring from old plugNplay standalone games that are usually sold in a Mall stand? yea...Damn Sony and their copying ways!