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I've only read the OP.

Anyway, this year I added the PS4 and Xbox One to my collection. In past years, I've purchased over 100 games in twelve months. This year, I've gone several months not buying anything at all. Part of it may be that I'm finally growing bored with gaming. Part of it may be that there is a lack of compelling software.

I kept waiting for the game that would justify my 8th gen console purchase and, while those games are fianlly starting to arrive, the waiting just made 7th gen gaming seem old and 8th gen gaming feel disappointing. I've played some grteat games (mostly on Wii U) but this year has been quite a let down in a lot of ways.

Before the end of the year, I'll buy:
-Sunset Overdrive (Xbox One)
-WWE 2K14 (PS4)
-Forza Horizon 2 (Xbox One)
-Super Smash Bros. (Wii U)
-Captain Toad (Wii U)

There may be some other good stuf that I'm forgetting. Not too bad. Not spectacular, but not too bad.