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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
small44 said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Well... Selling "well" isn't really a good thing considering they are probably going to sell half of the sales of the DS... And smartphones are a competition to the handheld when you look at the amount of third party games that are coming to them... You already have games like Dragon Quest, The world Ends with you, Final Fantasy any many others already going to smartphones and not to mention that Google, Apple and Samsung has been stating a lot that they will be pushing games in the neat future as well as getting exclusives. On top of that, you have Amazon buying game developers to push even more games for their respective devices so yes, I think in the future, by the time Nintendo releases their next handheld (around 2017), Phones will be a legit competition

If you think 3ds is selling bad because is doing less then ds then any console will be considered selling bad compared to ps2,ds sold that well because of casuals gamers those gamers will never buy a handheld again,without the early 3ds mistake i think it would sold as well as other Nintendo handheld except the ds.

I don't say Sony will surely make a new handheld i just say it's still possible,if they believe they can  attract 3rd party to support their next handheld then they will do a new one if not they will abandon handheld without a doubt

If 3rd party support the next Sony handheld if it exist with exclusivity  AAA spin off or multiplatform and not old port i'm sure it will succeed.

People said ps4 would sold bad  because  ps3 is doing bad look how it turn


Well, its not selling bad cause its not doing as great as the DS... Its selling bad (more like well) cause its selling half as much as the DS without any direct "competition." The DS at least had the PSP to compete against but the Vita sales are a joke compared to the 3ds yet the 3ds still isn't doing remarkably...

And well, the ps3 didn't really do bad... 80 million+ isn't bad loll. All I am saying is that they won't make another handheld cause of how quickly and easily they gave up on the Vita after one mediocre holiday... They didn't even try to recover... Its like their commitment on the Vita is almost zero outside of Japan...

I highly doubt Sony will launch another handheld cause the Vita isn't the ps3 where Sony recovered it from being a flop, Sony seems to have zero cares left in the handheld space and I think they would much rather spend their money else where (Or maybe even save it considering how much money they lost this year in their whole company)

80 millions is a little bit less then half of what ps2 did so if you think 3ds is a failure then ps3 is a failure too,when you look psp games and ds games you see that they have completly different games so both handheld was not a direct competitor.

I think Sony know that 3rd party is the key of Vita success and since 3rd party completly abandoned Vita(in fact 3rd party never support vita) at least Sony release the second biggest Playstation IP on it.

PS3 was confirmed that it make a big loose for Sony but we don't now if Vita make them money or not especially with those big numbers of indies games,like i said to you if Sony is confident that there's next handheld will be supported by 3rd party they will release another handheld which i doubt but still possible.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m