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now im 99% percent sure this is completely correct info, but i havent gotten any official things to back these claims up with. its as detailed as possible.

both the ps4 and xbox one has to install the full size of the game to its harddrive. the difference between the two system lies in that the ps4 only has to install a portion of the game (part of its play as you download incentive i believe) whereas the xbox one requires the full game to install before being able to play it.

this means that for example you can start playing the first level in cod much earlier on ps4. while you are playing it continues to install in the background. now say you already have a save file on the game. you then delete the other assets off the hdd and install it again and try to boot up level 5 or so. you would not be able to do that.

now from my gatherings not all xbox one titles require a full installation. i know ryse son of rome pretty quickly lets you enter the main menu and from there it installs whatever mode you press to play. the difference is it isnt broken down in tiny level pieces but rather into singleplayer and multiplayer modes. this is the most obvious example of the bigger install times..

when playing watch dogs i noticed i had to stop laying for a little while after the intro mission because afterwards it had to install the entire map.i dont think there is any way to track your progress with installation on either system (at least as far as i know) but at least on the ps4 i can say that any installation (besides watchdogs) i havent had to wait at all after the inital 20-30 seconds.