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Hiku said:

I read Aqua's post, but why is she Banned now on NeoGaf? Does anyone know what happened?

But hopefully we'll still get the numbers somehow, or else people like Patcher are going to try to convince people every month that XBO is selling better, without anyone to disprove him. That's clearly his agenda, since I doubt an analyst can be this wrong time and time again. What was he off by this month? 340k? Even on Vgchartz, PS4 is undertracked almost every week. And every week we hear the same "do you have any proof that it's undertracked?"
Well it only happened almost every other week so far, but people have a selective memory.

Basically, Aqua tried to keep the info from being leaked because otherwise, NPD will get really pissed at GAF. However, a bunch of members in that forum thought that she was being stingy for no reason. The thing is, though, is that she'll lose access to NPD's data if she gets caught leaking their info just like what happened to Creamsugar. The conversation really got nasty and just from reading Aqua's last few comments, you can really tell that she was really stressed and paranoid. She subsequently requested for a 3 month ban to cool down.