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GribbleGrunger said:

Sony needs to start releasing those monthly sales because MS sure as hell won't, especially if people like Pachter keep spouting FUD. The perception of a console being the better seller is enough and MS know that. What's the betting MS even stop giving us 'shipped' numbers. MS would love it if people couldn't find out how far behind they are and this only helps them conceal it. This is not good.

Sony doesn't need to do anything. And patcher can say all that he wants to say and it won't make a difference either. A lot more people that sony and co get their hands on NPD data. All it takes is one of those people to say something like "PS4 is #1 for the month again" and that will kill every contradicting rumor out there. All sony has to do is keep announcing their milestones. 5M, 10M, 15M 20M....etc As long as they do that and MS doesn't it tells everyone everything they need to know.

Most importantly, what really makes consoles sell is word of mouth. And the more people out theer that own a console, the more word of mouth that particular console gets as they would naturally want their friends to get the same thing or their friends will wanna get what they saw their friend playing.

Yes, it will be all round beter if the NPD release is a public thing, but the problem is that the publishers who pay the most for that data has probaly set a clause such that anyone other person privy to that information cannot reveal it. This basically just puts the publishers in a position where they can put there own marketing spin on the numbers rather than have a random website talk about them instead.