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Next task at hand is maintaining momentum.

Everyone knows SCE has its big franchises that have yet to hit the PS4 as well as the projected release time frames, so that should go a long way in sustaining interest in the platform.

And as long as SCE continues to improve the platform through system updates and increased functionality as they did with the PS3, it should give PS4 owners incentive to keep using or using the console for more functions.

Even at a $399 MSRP, SCE has plenty of maneuvering space in which to lower the price on the basic SKU, so there's that as well in increasing the potential user base.

Oddly, I don't recall hearing any statements from SCE about the PS4 being supported for ten years, but as long as the platform remains viable and they have a majority marketshare, there's no reason why they wouldn't keep supporting it, even if as a low cost alternative to the latest generation of gaming platforms.

The 8th gen should be interesting regardless seeing as how this is the first instance in which the initial market leader came out with a product that is the "most powerful" as far as raw processing capability and specs go without being the most expensive. No reason to see why there will be a major shift in current buying trends for consoles.