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Dark_Feanor said:

Well, well, well.

I´ve read the explanation and acknowledge their validity.

Specialy as they only give rounded number (that I prefer) the "true" valor could change at the public bias. That´s why I said "general concensus" and consolidated opinion in NeoGaf.

I don´t have access to old Neogaf threads. But my memory is good.

So, when they said "Almost double" the true number could be off several duzen thousands up and down. It´s not a evil machination or coordenate, but most of the time they "overtrack" the PS4 or "undertrack" the XOne. It´s just their state of mind specialy when MS don´t tell anything and profets of apocalypse go rampant.

This could also explain why Sony is much more quite than they used or ought to be opening that magnificent of a lead. NPD terms could have become harsher with public statements.

In January they openly stated they sould almost double the next closer competitor. According to Neogaf leaks this happened again in April, May and now. Sony also reached the 5mi milestone and opened a 1mi lead.

If all that is true, my theory now is that NPD therms have become more restricted.

You are spreading the FUD again.

GAF reachs the exactly number after the first "buzz" posters... the leakers just started after ~6 hours of the NPD thread was opened.

The "almost double" come from jornalists like Geoff.

GAF have every single month the exactly number of sales for all consoles.

PS4 reached 4,488,000... the gap in US is exactly 997k.


You create (or dream) numbers that didn't exists to try to make the leakers looks wrong... please stop embarrassing yourself.