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tbone51 said:

Lets talk, you mention nintendo (very short by the way) and dont mention the undertracking in the SW!!!!!! 

What's the point of that comment?  I've literally been in work all day and have skim read through the thread.  I mentioned the important stuff to me which was all the hardware.  You'll notice I didn't mention any software other than the niche stuff I like + Borderlands 2 because it's tied to hardware.

In addition, I don't particularly have the same level of knowledge of Nintendo software sales that I do with Sony, because I've paid less attention to it in the past.  So it's much harder for me to comment.

Anyway, here, have a comment on Nintendo software:

Software is the one of the few things Nintendo have continually going for them.  The core Nintendo fanbase is always going to buy Smash in droves.  They bought it on the Gamecube.  They'll buy it on 3DS.  3DS has more than enough installbase in the USA to support big-launching games.  I never expected any less, really.

Undertracking?  It's VGC.  I don't follow numbers on VGC anymore unless it's after NPD adjustments.

It's a good result and we can all be very very happy about it.