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JayWood2010 said:
So what is some games to look forward to in 2014/2015 on the vita? I just bought Gravity Rush so im hoping I like that. Danganronpa was pretty awesome so Im going to try the 2nd one soon and Im going to get Tales of Hearts R as well. Though im still annoyed it doesnt have dub -_-

Anyways im mainly looking for good story games. Freedom Wars maybe? Though the gameplay kind of puts me off. What about those atelier games? Do they have a good story? Anything else coming that looks good right now?

If you don't mind psp and dated graphics then legend of heroes sora no kiseki is a must. Its sequel is coming soon. The setting of ore shika 2 sounds appealing, so you might want to check it out. I heard freedom wars' story sucked(take it with a grain of salt), but I'm still getiing it for the gameplay.

Have you tried soul sacrifice delta and virtue's last reward?

Kresnik said:
FiveOVER said:

Oddly, for the US version, the dlc is actually tied to the update. That is, you don't download dlc from the store, but redeem it ingame after the update.  I'm not sure about the asian version. But the online pass, if there's one probably won't work either way.

You mean like in Sword Art Online when the DLC contained the new content?

If so... that would be pretty cool.  Would mean I'd get the Wild ARMs content which is all I really care about :P

Not really. It's more like the DLC is not listed in the store. Instead, you update like you normally do, enter the game and there will an option to implement dlc. But like I said, I don't know if its the same for the asian version.

drdante said:
Off topic: Bandai Namco has recently announced their new branch in Malaysia! I was so excited i jumped with happiness that whole day hehe. Not to mention Kuala Lumpur is also my hometown so its not really far from my home.

I definitely gonna visit them once their company are established here and pursue them to create more games for vita!

Where in KL are they going to set it up? Is it a store that sell their games or what?