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Deeds said:
tbone51 said:
Lawlight said:
*Sound Of Rain said:
pokoko said:
Shouldn't the comparison be with other Zelda games? I mean, that's the reason most people bought it.

It really shouldn't be compared to anything. People should take its sales for what it is.

With that said, if we are going to compare it with anything, DW games it should be. It plays like DW, not Zelda after all.

Whatever you compare it to, DW shouldn't be it. It's not a DW game.

Yeah, like Pirate Warriors isnt a DW game, its just an anime  right?

According to some people's strange logic, if you play basketball with a soccer ball, it isn't basketball.

TBH if we can have nonsensical comparisons about WiiU vs XBO vs PS4 (vs all the rest) even tho all consoles are different. Then we can have HW vs DW comparisons.

HW has more in common with DW than Wiiu does have with PS4.

People should compare everything or NOTHING and stop having arbitrary rules for every shit there exists.

Console 1 looks better than console 2  BUT BUT BUT PC does not count etc etc etc....
All this nonsense...