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gebx said:

Sometimes I think MS has their heads so far up their ass's that they wouldn't know if they should crap out of their ass's or their mouths...

1) Price cuts - Where is the NA Price Cut? its April, a couple weeks before GTA IV and no news or rumours of price cuts on the horizon.. and since MS sucks at keeping secrets this basically means that there is no price cuts on the horizon.

So lets compare Sony's price cuts vs. MS's Price cuts - $200 vs. $50... Woah MS! That's really impressive for a system thats been out a year longer!! <--sarcasm

2) Bundles (GTA IV) - Let's spend $50 million dollars on extra content, but lets not bundle the game with the console because that would be too intelligent... WTF MS?? How dumb are you people.. But then what else could you expect from the same people who sold a Halo 3 Sku WITHOUT THE FREAKING GAME!!

3) European Prices - Hey "European Pricing Dude"!!! Buy a Calculator and look up CONVERSION RATES.. you crazy bastard...


Ah I feel better..

But seriously, what the hell is wrong with MS, I'm really starting to believe that they're trying to lose this console race. Why so much time in between price cuts? All their doing is giving more time to Sony to lower their production cost and letting them keep up with any MS price cuts.

1) I'm sure they want to hold off on a price-cut in their strongest region for as long as possible.

2) I doubt they even considered Sony would do this.

3) Conversion rates don't translate that way.