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When we saw Sony at E3 2012 mention COD and AC:L on stage they were pushing for third parties and promised that more big games were coming. At E3 2013 Sony focused on the PS4 and huge passes were given for Sony not showing anything for their handheld. At E3 2014, not even a fart about Vita, but you can now buy this thing called Playstation TV and it plays some of our handheld games. You could see somewhere around 2012 and 2013 that the Vita was doing bad, but after a huge launch of games that ranged from very good to crap, a very bad first holiday, and the fact that Sony wanted to put their streaming service to use, it would be hard not to see that Sony didn't want to be in the handheld market even with all the hype beforehand.

I am sure many people like the Vita, it's just that Sony never made it worth its price.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls