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zero129 said:

Clearly you felt the time to reply back but this goes to you and Aura, How is what i posted originally any more off topic then what most others have posted on this game instead of this topic explaining why this is the case for the game being 900P on both consoles etc most of the thread has turned into "This is lame" "MS Money Hatting" etc etc.

I posted 1 comment and look how many of you have felt the need to bring up something as simple as what i said so many times and try using it as an excuse to attack me or my persona in its self bringing this thread even more off topic where if you or someone else didnt like what i said (It wasnt even an attack against your console of choice, so dont know what ya all getting up in arms for!) simply do like you said and ignore what i wrote and continue on with the topic...

I could reply to how wrong you are about it being hard to get into PC gaming etc (Even when its easier now then ever!) but i wont ill just leave it at this as i dont want to drive this thread any more off topic..


It isn't the first thread you try to derail to "PC Gaming Master race, peasants!!". And surely claiming you are hitting some nerves really show how you are always ready to get up in arms with everyone.

We could really argue about how easy it is. Even if it's easier than ever, it still isn't that easy. I'm talking about the average user, that guy that when you ask him his RAM memory he will say that he has 500GB because of his HDD size. And I do have a gaming PC too and I know that sometimes you need to get your hands dirty to make something work (copying some DLLs, fixing FOV with FlawlessWidescreen and so on). My point is only that just knowing this basic things is way more knowledge that teaching that the games that work on a X1 are the ones that come in a box with "Xbox One" written on it.