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pokoko said:
What I've mainly seen is that members of the gaming media have every intention of ignoring any and all well thought-out arguments. Instead, they'll continue to pound away at the extremists, deliberately positioning the most aggressive and spiteful members of the opposition as the only members of the opposition. There is no winning there, as these people have the biggest soap-boxes. It's distasteful but it's also expected. This is what we see in the political entertainment medium and it's why those snake-oil salesmen have achieved so much popularity and support. The gullible are a breeze to influence.

It's easy to see with this blog post. The writer starts from the very beginning with a snarky little comment about the word "bias" in a clear attempt to paint anyone on the other side of his argument as an idiot. It's a petty tactic. He follows that up with a defense of his ad hominem attack on the backers of The Sarkeesian Effect.

Why would I take this person seriously? He derails his own credibility with cheap propaganda.

It is what it is. People like this will always simply pick out the worst, most vile comments as representative of the whole. It's the easiest path even though it ultimately means nothing.

I couldn't have said it better myself!