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Cleary397 said:

Yeah, I know its not Racism in the strictest sense of the word.

The main point i should have made is about prejudice, which you kindly pointed out to me.

Perhaps this is a better term to use for Farage, and in my mind there should never be a leader who is prejudice against certain groups of society or nationalities.

Of course, this is a bit of a dilemma, because im sure everyone has some level of prejudice. But this should never be one of the defining reasons behind policies.

I also have no respect for the man because of the way he conducts himself in the media, as much as everyone says they like him because he is an everyman who goes down the pub, I personally dont want an everyman running the country I live in. It should be a job for someone who has a good education, and can conduct themselves in a respectful manner when dealing with foriegn and domestic policies - the UK would lose all credibility with a man like Farage in power.

Hypothetically I am also curious on how Nigel would even fare as PM or more realistically in a coalition. The man was chased out of Scotland and is virtually hated there. On top of Nigel making the UK a worldwide laughing stock, especially towards the Europeans, the man has a fair amount of enemies at home.

He calls, or at least it seems now it's "called" himself and his party libertarian, but he is about as libertarian as a Green Party who actively supports fossil fuels. He and his party probably won the European parliment for probably the same reason that the National Front won in France, people didn't care enough to vote anyways, or as a form or protest vote. UKIP as it stands right now with Farage has no chance to win any local general election as long as they maintain their current structure and policy.