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Funny to see that one creep back to the top :-/

He made a lot more appearances back then, I would say that the launch of the new consoles made a lot of gaming talking heads loose credibility over things they should have just said they did not know, or not touched... then again, someone had to ask MS about their DRM "features" at their big reveal event...

Still some of the stuff he liked from a business perspective (but he forgot about possible consumer backlash)

 - The integration of publicity with Kinect

 - Thight DRM

 - Emphasis on DLC/paid content at the platform level

MS stated they would sell 1 billion of these over 10 years ! (not sure what they smoked when the projected this, but that must have been some really strong stuff)

Now, it seems current days MS is at least aware of what's going on outside their bubble and they addressed most anti-consumer practices and are handling their PR pretty well too...

Anyway, Pachter has always been a big MS fan, so there is no surprise there.