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naznatips said:

If you want games that are better on PC, don't skip CoD4 even though you already have it on 360. It's signifficantly better on PC. Between the tighter controls and the 50-man server cap it's basically a whole new game, and easily worth coughing up for again. Other stuff...


-CS: Source is good.
-The Orange Box is a must buy. Covers basically all the best shooters ever in one great package.
-The Unreal Deal Pack on Steam will get you all Unreal games for $60.
-Bioshock plays great on PC and looks even better than the 360 version ($30 on Steam).


-Warcraft 3 and The Frozen Throne expansion
-Sins of a Solar Empire
-Supreme Commander (though it's not really to my tastes many like it)
-Company of Heroes (WWII RTS game if this counts as historical to you)
-Rise of Legends


-Heroes of Might and Magic IV
-Gadget Trials
-Age of Wonders 2


-Baldur's Gate 2
-Diablo 2
-Fallout 2
-Deus Ex
-Baldur's Gate (Using Tutu)

-Neverwinter Nights
-Planescape Torment
-Jade Empire


-Audiosurf on Steam is awesome fun for $10
-Sam & Max is great.
-Free Lancer
-Tachyon The Fringe (only for Bruce Campbell fans)

Future games:

-Starcraft 2
-Left 4 Dead
-A bunch of stuff I can't remember off the top of my head.