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BTW I will left here an anedoctal insight of Best Buy in one District.

Originally Posted by Abdiel
Hello all, Abdiel's Best Buy snapshot.

So, I had expected the ps4 to do well, but it did very, very well. The white bundle brought in a ton of new consumers, and even some current owners (like myself, actually) bought the white one as well (I sold my launch unit to a friend who struggles with finances, letting him pay me back over time, haha). We actually cleared our stock in almost over store in our district at least once, and needed replenishment. Crazy stuff. I remain keenly interested to see how other chains reflect this, though I know the game stop near my home did impressive numbers as well.

The XB1 still sold well, and certainly didn't lose momentum from the previous month, but there was a distinct gap in sales. Very distinct. Though I don't think anyone assumed the XB1 would win Destiny month.

Destiny continued to sell pretty Damn well after launch, though some consumers were clearly wavering as they considered. Word of mouth and friends pushing friends to join in the online chaos clearly did wonders.

Wii U is really struggling. The parents buying games for kids group seems largely in the dark now that the MK8 push has faded. Not sure how it will work out.

So yeah. Hope this still ends up on the first page.