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The_Yoda said:
Does anyone know exactly where these generators and fuel were located inside building 7? Seems like oxygen rich air lines would be a perfect conduit for fire and you would have to have fuel on hand to run the generators. If these blew around one of the central supports in say the basement could it not result in the same demolition like effect? Just a theory.

sounds interesting 

i'll post what some of the main anomalies reported by engineers were


the way the building collapses in the middle first is characteristic of a controlled event

this is done in order to cause the weight of the building to act inward as it falls

and its highly unlikely for this to happen in a random event


edit: found a video of an implosion with a kink effect that is pretty similar


the speed at which the building falls and how uniformly it falls

looking at footage the building falls in such a way that it appears as if all support for the building is eliminated instantly

it doesn't collapse in pieces or fall apart in pieces... the whole thing falls in a regular way straight down in a few seconds

again this is basically impossible for a random event


now i paraphrased of course but these were the most glaring issues with building 7 i believe


the thing about a fire theory is one thing i'd ask is why can we see no flames or smoke from the outside?

there may be some explanation for this but i don't know

but again i'm not an engineer so my opinion is no better than any other layman