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curl-6 said:
o_O.Q said:
curl-6 said:

Your mind is made up, you're just going to reject anything anybody can say that doesn't conform to your predetermined belief.

i'm sorry but to request that in this situation i believe that pieces of the towers fell on the building and that caused the collapse is tantamount to asking me to call myself blind

i mean i wear glasses at times but my vision is not that bad and the eye witnesses that were there that spoke on the event can't all be blind either

its important that i mention here that various professionals have analysed this and they conclude the same i posted videos below


as for the comment about a walkway connected at the base collapsing and that causing a whole building to collapse as it does( uniformly at freefall speed )... cmon now


the evidence is all there for anyone who is interested to find 

testimony by various engineers and other professionals that all give in depth technical analysis that describes how the official story is bs 

it is solely up to us as individuals to make the choice to entertain the idea that maybe just maybe there may be another side to this

and as i said previously considering the lies that were confirmed i can't see why people struggle to do so

here i'll post a few videos for anyone interested in entertaining an alternative viewpoint


examples of the lies they told after

If the evidence was really so overwhelming, it would be commonly accepted knowledge. Coverups this extensive are not workable.

and that attitude is why its still a coverup

i told someone earlier that he's allowing general consensus to determine his opinion

the same applies here

evidence is presented and without really considering it people just go well my authority figures, peers, friends, family etc all think something else

and as a result they go on believing what the grouping they're associated with believe


an example i'll give of this happening elsewhere is religion i'm not an atheist and don't hate religion just adding that for context

but anyway clearly there can only be one true religion while the others must be frauds but yet all of them coexist to this day

and most people who are in them don't even bother taking the time to investigate into the origins of their religion

they just keep believing it because of what their authority figures, peers, family, friends etc tell them


its the same exact thing imo its group phychology being used against people

its scary generally for people to step outside groupings and think about things independently and personally i think that fear is being used here to great effect

just my personal opinion